I'm Amelia. Some people know me as Aime. I'm a freelance Graphic Designer and Illustrator located in Minneapolis, MN.

You can visit my website if you would like more info - or send me an email: amelia.lebarron@gmail.com



Entries in Personal (11)


Art+Style by Frank 151 Piece

A while ago, I was asked to donate a piece of artwork for a good cause. I said yes and this is what I made.

Find out more about the event that happened last Monday here:


and here:




The Fruit Shoot



 This isn't new -- A couple years ago, my friend Tricia and I got together for some ridiculousness. This was the outcome - it was in my portfolio for a long time, but it doesn't quite fit in. I do still think it needed a home. It will live here in the blog...
Click on the thumbnails for the full image.



Big, Red, and Shiny...

Sometimes I find old sketches that I want to elaborate on more, this is one of them. It ended up being a gift for one of my best-est friends in the world and I could not be happier with how it turned out - so large, red, and shiny. Although it might be a little creepy considering that the subject has no idea that his face resides in a living room in Northeast Minneapolis... I also need to give a thank you to Nick at Brand ink who really helped me out with a deadline - and the print quality is awesome.



Ingrid Michaelson Poster


So, I had a small bit of free time and entered a contest to design an Ingrid Michaelson poster. I couldn't resist - this girl is too cute.




A few weeks ago, I came across an adorable mini Moleskine planner (2.5" x 4.25") and had to have it. Mostly because of my obsession with planners, but I also thought it would be a great way to spend a little bit of time every day away from the computer and do some drawing. The small size is ideal to keep the amount of time I spend on it down and not get obsessed with the details that I normally do when allowed to zoom in 400% on a computer screen. There is no theme as for now - just random drawings, for practice and fun. Hopefully I can keep up with it. Although I don't think the drawing will be a problem - it's the scanning. I've always found scanning to be a real drag...