I'm Amelia. Some people know me as Aime. I'm a freelance Graphic Designer and Illustrator located in Minneapolis, MN.

You can visit my website if you would like more info - or send me an email: amelia.lebarron@gmail.com



Entries in Design (5)


A Couple of things...




Public Functionary: The logo for a new non-profit art gallery/community space coming to town. I designed it along with the awesome group of people getting it started. Visit the Kickstarter campaign to help them out or visit them on Facebook to find out more info. They are having a fundraising party this Saturday - everyone likes parties, so you should stop by if you're in the area.


50 Books, 50 Covers 2011: It feels like forever ago when I was working as a full-time designer at an independent children's book publisher (it's only been 8 months - and yes, I need to update my bio), so I was surpised to get an email recently from my ex-coworker/friend letting me know that the cover I designed for 'In Trouble' was a 50 Books, 50 covers winner! This makes me smile. Check out the list of winners.




Off to France !


Not me, but these cards are shipped and on their way...

A Holiday card design done for Bonnie at FOCUS Conseil & Traduction. 2-color printing done at Rex Mills - Jim did an excellent job. It's hard to show the detail in the photos, but I couldn't be happier with the subtle shine of the metallic ink.


The Hive Grand Opening Flyer




Wedding Invitations




Save the Dates

A save the date I just finished designing - wedding invites to come...