I'm Amelia. Some people know me as Aime. I'm a freelance Graphic Designer and Illustrator located in Minneapolis, MN.

You can visit my website if you would like more info - or send me an email: amelia.lebarron@gmail.com



Entries in Artwork (46)


The Hive Logo


A fabulous new salon is opening up in Northeast Minneapolis mid-March! It's the Hive (I'll include a link once it's up and running - you need to visit these lovely ladies - they are very good at what they do!). Here's the logo - I made it.

And also, just for fun, I wanted to show a bit of the evolution - minus sketches - I really dislike scanning...





Ingrid Michaelson Poster


So, I had a small bit of free time and entered a contest to design an Ingrid Michaelson poster. I couldn't resist - this girl is too cute.



Jeff Dunham




A few weeks ago, I came across an adorable mini Moleskine planner (2.5" x 4.25") and had to have it. Mostly because of my obsession with planners, but I also thought it would be a great way to spend a little bit of time every day away from the computer and do some drawing. The small size is ideal to keep the amount of time I spend on it down and not get obsessed with the details that I normally do when allowed to zoom in 400% on a computer screen. There is no theme as for now - just random drawings, for practice and fun. Hopefully I can keep up with it. Although I don't think the drawing will be a problem - it's the scanning. I've always found scanning to be a real drag...



Time for Presents!


Being snowed in for the weekend gave me the opportunity to finally start getting some holiday gifts together. These dolls are for my 1-year old niece, Lola - she lives 5 hours away and I don't get to visit her as often as I would like - I thought that she needed a visual reminder of her look-alike aunt... and boyfriend. These make me laugh - I hope they do the same for Lola.

Idea from the book, Bend the Rules with Fabric by Amy Karol. Great book with lots of fun ideas!


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